Gravity Research provides intelligence and analysis to Fortune 500 executives, helping them anticipate and navigate the reputational risks and challenges around societal issues. Corporate DEI Pressures | Risk protection

Today’s communications executives face a unique challenge of helping their companies manage evolving societal and reputational issues in an uncertain environment.

Gravity Research's Corporate Insiders Group–an exclusive cohort of Chief Communications Officers and Corporate Affairs leaders–was formed to help leaders learn from each other as they face these new challenges.

Insiders participate in anonymous surveys across the year to gather collective feedback into how businesses plan to respond to current societal issues and potential future issues.  They benefit from the shared collective perspectives of their peers and use these insight to build, bolster, and revise their own strategies for responding to societal and reputational issues.

Are you a Fortune 1000 leader interested in joining your peers in our Corporate Insider Group? Complete the form to the right to learn more.

Become a Corporate Insider

Pulse Surveys &


  • Quickly gauge how corporations are preparing for or responding to a crisis

  • Gain near-real-time data on responses to pivot your own plans

Quarterly Sentiment Surveys and Reports


  • Track movement on key issues and corporate strategy quarter-over-quarter

  • Ongoing insight into the top societal risks corporations are proactively planning for

  • Attend quarterly webinars where we recap what to watch now

Annual Surveys & Insights Report


  • Analyze trends in how corporations are structuring themselves to respond to societal issues

  • Deep-dive into recurring response issue, revealing emerging best practices