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NSI Power
Mapping 2020

We help advocates see the complex networks
behind leading presidential candidates, understand implications
for policy, and develop smart road maps for engaging their campaign.

Download an excerpt from our network analysis on Joe Biden


  • In-depth personal and professional network maps for each candidate
  • Analysis of each candidate's personal, campaign and policy staff, and funder networks as they develop
  • Focus on key policy advisors and what they might mean for each candidate's policy positioning 


  • Summary of the key progressive communities that each candidate activates
  • Assessment of connections to industry and advocacy groups


  • Insights and key takeaways presented in executive slides you can share with stakeholders
  • Customized deep dives for understanding and engaging each candidate based on your priority policy issues and industry

Features of these profiles include:

  • In-depth personal and professional network maps for each candidate
  • Summary of the key progressive communities that each candidate activates
  • Analysis of each candidates' personal, campaign, and policy staff, and funder networks as they develop
  • Assessment of connections to industry and advocacy groups
  • Focus on key policy advisers and what they might mean for each candidate's policy positioning
  • Insights and key takeaways presented in executive slides you can share with stakeholders
  • Customized deep dives for understanding and engaging each candidate based on your priority policy issues and industry